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3590 Emergency Operations Plan
STUDENTS EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN 3590 Page 1 of 2 In an effort to ensure the safety and security of Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 students and staff, the Board directs the Superintendent /designee to prepare an emergency response plan and provide for the implementation of the plan. Guidelines The emergency plan shall include the following: 1. Procedures for reporting emergencies to the proper responding agencies. 2. Procedures for notifying, relocating, or evacuating students, personnel, and other occupants of the building(s). 3. Assigned staff duties during emergencies. 4. Floor plans including the locations of: a. portable fire extinguishers, b. other fire extinguishing equipment, c. manual fire alarm pull stations, d. fire alarm control panels; e. the primary and secondary evacuation routes for each classroom and other areas of occupancy; and f. locations of interior refuge. 5. Site maps identifying the designated exterior assembly area for each evacuation route. DEFINITION Emergency: Any event which threatens the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors may be considered an emergency. Adopted 06/14/2006 Reviewed Cross Reference: Emergency Response Drills #3591 Legal Reference: IC 33 -512 Governance of schools Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 Revised Adapted from © 2001 Eberharter -Maki & Tappen, PA 01 L- 97SBE- D2/12/98 -M 11 /19/01 STUDENTS IDAPA School Safety /Discipline Manual IDAPA 17.10.01 Life Safety Code Handbook IDAPA 17.10.08 Life Safety Code Handbook Uniform Fire Code, 1997 Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 3590 Page 2 of 2 Adapted from © 2001 Eberharter -Maki & Tappen, PA 01 L- 97SBE- D2/12/98 -M 11 /19/01