Title 1 Program
The Title 1 Program is a federally funded program designed to assist students who need remedial help in reading and mathematics. These students must qualify for services and generally do not have deficits significant enough to qualify for services under IDEA, although some students may be eligible for both programs. Currently, several of the elementary schools and Rocky Mountain Middle School offer Title 1 Programs.
English Learner Program
The purpose of the English Learner Program is to provide a bridge for English Learners to the general education standards expected of all students. Our goal is to integrate strategies and supports, along with supplemental, research-based programs and staffing to address student needs.
Migrant Education Program
The Migrant Education Program (MEP) known as Title I Part C Education of Migratory Children, is a federal entitlement program designed to provide supplementary education and support services to highly mobile children up to and through age twenty-one (21). Eligibility for the MEP is determined by the lifestyle of the parents/guardian (i.e. moving across school district, county, or state boundaries due to economic necessity for the purpose of seeking or obtaining temporary or seasonal work in agriculture or commercial fishing activities).
Children must move with the parent/guardian or join the parent/guardian within 12 months of a qualifying move. Children who are determined to be eligible may remain eligible for up to 36 months without another qualifying move.
The mission of the migrant program is to provide educational and support services that strengthen and enhance the development of the migrant child and the migrant family. The migrant program focuses primarily on the educational needs of the migrant child and attempts to alleviate barriers to successful educational achievement.