Praxium Mastery Academy
3436 E. Honeybee Lane
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401
Main School Phone: (208) 525-4466
Fax: (208) 227-9876
Nancy Jackson, Principal
Renae Lassen, School Secretary
Sara Colson, Counselor
Tanda Owens, Counseling Secretary
Course Requirements
Class Options:
ELA, Science and Social Studies will automatically be assigned to the student.
7th grade: Recommended course is Pre-Algebra 7
8th grade: If your students have completed Pre-Algebra 7, please sign up for Algebra 1.
**If they would like a different math plan, please have them reach out to the counseling department.
7th Grade:
1 PE credit (RMMS PE)
5 other electives (Combination of RMMS or BOHS choices)
8th Grade:
1 Teen Wellness (MS Health) credit and 1 Career Explorations. These are both online courses.
4 other electives (Combination of RMMS or BOHS choices)
IMPORTANT: If a student signs up for a BOHS course, this will be a high school credit and recorded in their high school GPA.
Middle School Education Plan
The table below will help parents and students have a plan for middle school and beyond. Students should use these tables to create a schedule that is meaningful for their future and assure the completion of required classes. Mentoring is a 50-minute class at the beginning of each day. It is scheduled for all students. Activities for mentoring include: working with students on goal-setting, habits of success, career development, and school announcements.
7th Grade Students | Trimester 1 | Trimester 2 | Trimester 3 |
Language Arts 7 | X | X | X |
Pre-Algebra 7 | X | X | X |
World History 7 | X | X | X |
Life Science 7 | X | X | X |
Elective (First) - P.E. is required as one of the electives during one of the trimesters. | |||
Elective (Second) - P.E. is required as one of the electives during one of the trimesters. |
8th Grade Students | Trimester 1 | Trimester 2 | Trimester 3 |
Language Arts 8 | X | X | X |
Algebra I | X | X | X |
World History 8 | X | X | X |
Earth Science 8 | X | X | X |
Elective (First) - Teen Wellness and CTE - Career Explorations are required as one of the electives during one of the trimesters. | |||
Elective (Second) - Teen Wellness and CTE - Career Explorations are required as one of the electives during one of the trimesters. |
JumpStart HS
What is JumpStart HS?
A component of the D93 Fast Track program is called JumpStart HS. JumpStart HS is meant to allow students in grades 7 and 8 to replace one of their middle school elective courses with a high school course to work ahead on their high school graduation requirements. Students can replace 1-3 of their middle school elective courses each year to earn high school credits.
Why would my student want to participate in JumpStart HS?
There are a multitude of reasons for students to participate in JumpStart HS. One reason is the requirement for a student to enroll in a college course: a) students must be 16 years of age; or b) they must have completed 1/2 (half) of their high school graduation requirements. JumpStart HS allows students to enroll at an earlier age in a dual credit (college course) by completing 1/2 of their graduation requirements.
A second reason is that it allows students to take additional electives of their choice while in high school that otherwise might not be possible with the core graduation requirements for each grade level. Here is an example: It would make it possible for a student to be involved in Advanced Mixed Choir (3 trimesters) and Drama 2 (3 trimesters).
There are other reasons and many possibilities for students that are available for them at the high school level that can be freed up by participating to some degree with JumpStart HS.
What types of classes can I take?
Students are able to take a variety of BOHS classes in addition to their core and elective classes at the middle school.
HS English Courses
English 9A
English 9B
English 9C
English 10A
English 10B
English 10C
HS Math Courses
Algebra 1A
Algebra 1B
Algebra 1C
Geometry A
Geometry B
Algebra 2 Prep
Algebra 2A
Algebra 2B
Algebra 2C
HS Science Courses
9th Intro to Chemistry
9th Intro to Physics
Biology A
Biology B
Environmental Science
HS Social Studies Courses
World History A
World History B
US History 10A
US History 10B
HS Technology Courses
Business Computer Applications 1
Digital Citizenship
Digital Photography
Graphic Design 1
Intro to Programming A - Java
Intro to Programming B - Python
Web Design 1
HS Elective Courses
Creative Writing 1
CTE – Career Explorations
History of the American West
Personal Fitness
Reading for Enjoyment
Science Fiction Literature
Spanish 1A
Spanish 1B
World Geography
What are some recommended courses to take?
7th Grade
8th Grade
Advanced Opportunities
The Idaho State Department of Education offers Advanced Opportunities programs to help high school students get a jump on college. Advanced Opportunities provide state aid for students to accelerate through their K‐12 education and provide support to earn college credit in high school. There are two parts to the program:
1) FAST FORWARD Program and 2) Early Graduation Scholarship.
This program is designed to help Idaho students earn eight years of credit in six years (4‐high school; 2‐college).Students in grades 7‐12 can be reimbursed for high school overload courses. Students in this program will have opportunities to qualify for the Early Graduation scholarship. The FAST FORWARD Program provides every student attending an Idaho public school an allocation of $4,125.00 to use towards Advanced Opportunities in grades 7‐12.
The program was expanded by the Legislature in 2016 through the passing of House Bill 458. The fund can be used for:
For more information, please visit the Fast Forward section on Bonneville Online High school’s website.
Important Middle School Policies
The Middle School Task Force was created in May 2007 to examine middle school issues in relation to the Idaho High School Redesign efforts. The goals of the task force were to ensure all students are prepared to be successful in high school through increased academic achievement, a relevant and rigorous curriculum, and student accountability. Through the work of this committee, the 2010 Idaho State Legislature established state laws that require each district to implement a credit system beginning no later than 7th grade. In order to be in compliance with state law, the Bonneville School Board adopted the following policy on March 10, 2010:
Moving ahead to the next grade level and/or high school is not automatic and must be earned through successful completion of the District’s middle school program. Therefore, middle school students shall be required to demonstrate competence in all subject areas prior to transitioning to the next grade and/or high school. Regular attendance is also required. Any student not meeting competency and/or attendance standards will be required to follow an improvement plan and/or strategic interventions designed to prepare him/her for success at the next level of study.